Monday, April 14, 2008

Crying and laughing

You would not think strange if someone said they laughed every day, so what. I can say that and so can most people. Well I find myself crying every day. The smallest thing will tip me over the edge,like seeing my horse, having a hard time PUTTING MY SOCKS ON!!! one handed, or Myles asking me a question that requires a huge lengthy explanation. People tell me crying is " cleansing", that God is reaching in and pulling out what needs pulling out, that I should just yield to it . I have no choice, it not a "thing" that I can "yield" to. Its takes over and doesn't let me go till its through with me, kind of disconcerting. I have also acquired a new "primal " kind of noise that goes with especially when I cry in a public place,,, like church for instance ,that's rich. But I should give laughing it due, I now laugh so hard, that find it hard to breathe, that leads me to another disconcerting group of noises, it a wonder Michael takes me anywhere. I have seen a little more control recently, much to my relief, ( and Michael s) I look bad after the stroke, but I really top out while am crying!!!


Patrick said...

I love it when you start laughing! It's always after midnight for your sense of humour :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making me laugh out loud! The crying does pass, not the laughing thankfully!! We NEED the laughter to get us through those horribly embarrassing moments... ;) I was told by my OT that everything we do post stroke, we probably did or had before stroke but now it is magnified. Great, huh?? My short term memory is worse and my daughter has called me Dorrie (Finding Nemo). :))