Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pushin the Envelope

There some things that I do that are hard, like going shopping at Whole Food by myself. The parking lot has a "slant" to it and pushing a "fully loaded " basket of groceries is , well , looking back its kinda comical. Wasn't funny at the time.
Everything I've done at one time was pushing the envelope. Leaving the wheelchair behind before it was "time" forced me to WALK. When I had had enough of being chairbound , that was incentive to push myself to the limit. First around the house, then out and about.
Driving was another thing that was pushing the limits. Thinking back now where I was then and compare to now, its scary to think I took control of a machine as big as car, as dangerous as car 9 months out from the stroke. My reaction time alone says I was pushing the envelope. BUT just as before with the "stupid chair" when there was something I could do before, I wanted it back!! Like driving to the store, walking in, and buying groceries!!
I want my singing voice back , so even though I SOUND REALLY BAD, I sing , alone, but I sing!
Next is cutting the grass....... push mower.
God trusted me enough to allow this to happen, knowing that I would fight my way back. Knowing I would turn to Him , instead of giving up, instead of getting stuck on mad. Oh I was mad for a bit, but I realized just who was behind this. God knew this would just knock out the dross out, it's working. The things that kept me from entering into another level of my relationship with HIM are slowly peeling away . Thank you God!

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