Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shrinking Violet???

Since when did I stop and think so much about going out in public. The other day I sat outside of Food Lion to work up my courage to go in. I couldn't do it, so I left. I went to the Legion Hall where Michael was working and I waited for him to finish and we went shopping together.
Sometimes I have a hard time facing the stares, like I am a freak of nature. I really love it when people talk loud at me, as thou because I walk funny, and have bum arm, they assume I must be deaf too!!!
If I'm unlucky enough to have to speak..... well that's a whole added humiliation
Its everywhere I go , its constant, and I'm weary of it.
God I hope , I pray, that I learn the lessons you have for me, if I please YOU then the weight is bearable . Don't let me go back to what,or who I was.

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